Year 4
Teacher: Mrs Mabe
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Sayer and Mrs Arciniega
Our Gospel Value is: Peace
Pupil Leaders: To be confirmed
Our School Councillors: Cassius and Sienna W
Our Eco Warriors: Sienna F and Robin
Our SHINE Councillors: Matilda and Emily
Our link Governor is: Mrs Palmer
Helpful Information:
- Reading records are needed in school every day.
- Reading books will be changed on completion of your child's book.
- Library book changing day is Friday.
- PE days are Tuesday and Thursday - please come in PE kits and remember your swimming kit on Thursdays.
- Homework is given out every Friday to be completed and returned by the following Thursday.
- Spelling tests are weekly on Friday.
- Log-ins for all learning platforms are in your child's reading record. Please keep this safe!
- Musical instruments for lessons will be safely stored in Year 4's cupboard - don't forget to take them home at the end of the day!
- Healthy snacks - if your child does not have morning toast, they may bring in a healthy snack for morning playtime.
- Water bottles - children will need a water bottle in school each day (water only). Please make sure water bottles are clearly named and are returned daily after washing.
Looking ahead:
- During the Autum Term, I will be running a KS2 chess club on Monday lunchtimes - come along and test your logical thinking and problem solving skills!
- In the Spring Term we will in Forest School.
Autumn Term message from Mrs Mabe:
A warm welcome to Year 4! I am so looking forward to this half term with my new class. We will be doing lots of exciting learning. Our knowledge rich project will be 'Invaders' and we will be doing some geography work too.
In the summer all children in Year 4 will have to complete the Multiplication Check, as such everyday in class we will be learning our times tables - all the way up to the twelves! The children need to be able to recall their times tables within 6 seconds. Any opportunity to practise will support our learning, whether it's reciting them in the car or practising them on Timestables Rockstars for at least 3 minutes per day.
Please have a look at our 'fridge words' linked below. These words are based on the vocabulary we are exploring within our history and science lessons this term. How many of these can you learn? Put them on your fridge as a reminder!
Please take a look at the documents below so you know exactly what we will be learning.
If you have any questions - please do not hesitate to ask - I am happy to help!
Mrs Mabe 😊
Useful Documents for Year 4
Autumn Term Documents