Year 6

Teacher: Mr Swift
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Fox
Our Gospel Value is: Self-control
Pupil Leaders: (To be confirmed)

Our School Councillors: Tabitha and Ruby

Our Eco Warriors: Daisy and Henry 

Our SHINE Councillors:Oliver and Erika 

Our link Governor is: Simon Nield 
Helpful Information:
  • Reading books will be changed on Friday.
  • Reading records (and spellings) are needed in school every day.
  • Library book changing day is Thursday.
  • PE days are Wednesday and Friday - come in PE kits ready for these lessons.
  • Spelling test & Maths test weekly on Friday.
  • Log-ons for all learning platfroms are in the front of your child's reading diary.
  • Musical instruments - bring in for lessons and take home after lessons. These will take place on Monday each week.
  • Healthy snacks - if your child does not have morning toast, they may bring in a healthy snack. 
  • Water bottles - children will need a water bottle in school each day. This must contain water - no juice or flavoured water. Please return these daily after washing.  
Looking ahead:
  • Borwick Hall residential trip dates are Monday 1st - Friday 5th July.
  • We will be in Forest School in the Summer Term - bring your wellies in please! 
  • Bikeability sessions will take place in the Spring Term - if you have a bike you can bring one in.
Autumn Term message from Mr Swift: 

Welcome to Year 6! I am very excited to have joined the team here and work with a wonderful group of children. We have had an excellent start to the year so far! 

Please have a look at our 'fridge words' linked below. These words are based on the vocabulary we are exploring within our history and science lessons this term. How many of these can you learn? Put them on your fridge as a reminder!

Please look at the documents below for more details on what is to follow.

If you have any questions - please do ask! 

Mr Swift 😊

Useful Documents for Year 6

Year 6 Curriculum Overview Summary
Year 6 English Overview
Year 6 Maths Overview

Year 6 'Meet the Teacher' information 



Autumn Term Documents

Year 6 Learning Letter for Autumn 1 
Year 6 Vocabulary 'Fridge Words' for Autumn Term 

Year 6 News

No News to show

Year 6

Teacher: Mr Swift
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Fox
Our Gospel Value is: Self-control
Pupil Leaders: (To be confirmed)

Our School Councillors: Tabitha and Ruby

Our Eco Warriors: Daisy and Henry 

Our SHINE Councillors:Oliver and Erika 

Our link Governor is: Simon Nield 
Helpful Information:
  • Reading books will be changed on Friday.
  • Reading records (and spellings) are needed in school every day.
  • Library book changing day is Thursday.
  • PE days are Wednesday and Friday - come in PE kits ready for these lessons.
  • Spelling test & Maths test weekly on Friday.
  • Log-ons for all learning platfroms are in the front of your child's reading diary.
  • Musical instruments - bring in for lessons and take home after lessons. These will take place on Monday each week.
  • Healthy snacks - if your child does not have morning toast, they may bring in a healthy snack. 
  • Water bottles - children will need a water bottle in school each day. This must contain water - no juice or flavoured water. Please return these daily after washing.  
Looking ahead:
  • Borwick Hall residential trip dates are Monday 1st - Friday 5th July.
  • We will be in Forest School in the Summer Term - bring your wellies in please! 
  • Bikeability sessions will take place in the Spring Term - if you have a bike you can bring one in.
Autumn Term message from Mr Swift: 

Welcome to Year 6! I am very excited to have joined the team here and work with a wonderful group of children. We have had an excellent start to the year so far! 

Please have a look at our 'fridge words' linked below. These words are based on the vocabulary we are exploring within our history and science lessons this term. How many of these can you learn? Put them on your fridge as a reminder!

Please look at the documents below for more details on what is to follow.

If you have any questions - please do ask! 

Mr Swift 😊

Useful Documents for Year 6

Year 6 Curriculum Overview Summary
Year 6 English Overview
Year 6 Maths Overview

Year 6 'Meet the Teacher' information 



Autumn Term Documents

Year 6 Learning Letter for Autumn 1 
Year 6 Vocabulary 'Fridge Words' for Autumn Term 

Year 6 News

No News to show

Year 6

Teacher: Mr Swift
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Fox
Our Gospel Value is: Self-control
Pupil Leaders: (To be confirmed)

Our School Councillors: Tabitha and Ruby

Our Eco Warriors: Daisy and Henry 

Our SHINE Councillors:Oliver and Erika 

Our link Governor is: Simon Nield 
Helpful Information:
  • Reading books will be changed on Friday.
  • Reading records (and spellings) are needed in school every day.
  • Library book changing day is Thursday.
  • PE days are Wednesday and Friday - come in PE kits ready for these lessons.
  • Spelling test & Maths test weekly on Friday.
  • Log-ons for all learning platfroms are in the front of your child's reading diary.
  • Musical instruments - bring in for lessons and take home after lessons. These will take place on Monday each week.
  • Healthy snacks - if your child does not have morning toast, they may bring in a healthy snack. 
  • Water bottles - children will need a water bottle in school each day. This must contain water - no juice or flavoured water. Please return these daily after washing.  
Looking ahead:
  • Borwick Hall residential trip dates are Monday 1st - Friday 5th July.
  • We will be in Forest School in the Summer Term - bring your wellies in please! 
  • Bikeability sessions will take place in the Spring Term - if you have a bike you can bring one in.
Autumn Term message from Mr Swift: 

Welcome to Year 6! I am very excited to have joined the team here and work with a wonderful group of children. We have had an excellent start to the year so far! 

Please have a look at our 'fridge words' linked below. These words are based on the vocabulary we are exploring within our history and science lessons this term. How many of these can you learn? Put them on your fridge as a reminder!

Please look at the documents below for more details on what is to follow.

If you have any questions - please do ask! 

Mr Swift 😊

Useful Documents for Year 6

Year 6 Curriculum Overview Summary
Year 6 English Overview
Year 6 Maths Overview

Year 6 'Meet the Teacher' information 



Autumn Term Documents

Year 6 Learning Letter for Autumn 1 
Year 6 Vocabulary 'Fridge Words' for Autumn Term 

Year 6 News

No News to show